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Modern Firearms, Knives, Vehicles, Powersports, Coins and More
July 6, 2019 @ 10:00 am - 3:00 pm EDT

Compass Auctions & Real Estate will host a LIVE with Webcast Modern Firearms and Equipment auction event on July 6, 2019. This auction is currently slated to start taking final bids at 10am ET and will feature 300+ lots of handguns, rifles, knives, accessories, ammunition and more! Consignments are accepted and encouraged for this auction, please contact a Team Compass member if you have any questions or items for consignment.
[av_font_icon icon=’ue84e’ font=’entypo-fontello’ style=’border’ caption=’Auction Catalog’ link=’manually,https://compassauctions.hibid.com/catalog/155710/july-firearms-and-sportsmans-auction/’ linktarget=’_blank’ size=’40px’ position=’left’ color=” av_uid=” admin_preview_bg=”]
Auction Catalog
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