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Motorcycle Missions Charity Auction
August 6, 2019 @ 12:00 pm - 7:00 pm MDT

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Indian Motorcycle, America’s first motorcycle company, and Motorcycle Missions, a non-profit organization that helps veterans and first responders find hope and healing through motorcycle therapy, today announced a motorcycle build-off competition between two groups of veterans and first responders in Dallas and Austin, Texas. The two teams will each design and build a custom Indian Chief Dark Horse to raise money for Motorcycle Missions. Each custom bike will then make its way to the legendary Sturgis Motorcycle Rally to be auctioned off on Tuesday, August 6, at the Deadwood Mountain Grand Hotel and Casino, with all proceeds benefitting Motorcycle Missions.
Each team consists of members who have formerly served in the military or as first responders, including several branches of the U.S. military and even local Austin and Dallas police and fire departments, for as many as three decades. Though each individual’s story is unique, these groups of heroes were brought together by their shared passion of motorcycles to find healing through this common thread.
Each team is comprised of members who have distinctive histories of service. Among this year’s competitors is Team Dallas’ John Arroyo, Army veteran and survivor of the Fort Hood, Texas shooting in 2014. After recovering from severe wounds, Arroyo received the highest non-combat honor for valor.
Team Austin will be flanked by Robert Richman, a law enforcement official of over 25 years. Richman specialized in multiple disciplines and has helped patrol crimes such as critical incident hostage negotiations, human-trafficking and child abuse.
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