The cost of maintaining infrastructure is surging as more people migrate toward cities. Construction costs and supplies are fluctuating since COVID, and shortages have been consistent since January of 2020. Tennesseeans are now bracing with the recent news of a state-wide infrastructure need to the tune of billions. Yes, billions, with a capital “B”. Chattanooga alone has a four-year budget in the eight figures–multi millions, year over year, through 2024.
If Tennesseeans have learned anything from the last year, especially those in the construction industries, it’s the importance of dependable, trusted, well-maintained equipment and supply. Compass Auctions is rising to the occasion to offer reliable heavy machinery and attachments with three offerings at their next Day 1 Auction, February 24th. Compass’ commitment to providing high trust, high quality heavy machinery brings equipment from two reliable companies with more than 150 years of combined industry experience, CAT and Takeuchi.
Takeuchi, specializing in compact and hydraulic excavators as well as track loaders, was founded in 1963. Producing the first compact excavator in 1971 brought newfound success for what is now a world leader in compact heavy machinery. Two Takeuchi excavators will be up for bid, including a TB290 with 55 hours work time.
In addition to the Japanese innovator Takeuchi, American tradition and innovation will also show with a CAT 29D2XHP Skid Steer up for auction. CAT, the almost 100 year old staple in the US heavy machinery market, has consistently produced some of the most enduring equipment on the market. CAT’s endurance is thanks in large part to their commitment to rigorous testing, including the extremes of operation–extreme heat, subfreezing arctic temperatures, even elevation assessments. CAT has tested their equipment in the most extreme climates possible, all over the entire planet.
Recognizing the strength of such staples in the heavy machinery industry, Compass is also offering more than a dozen skid steer attachments. Brush mowers, log grapples, even rock buckets are set for bidding on February 24. Heavy machinery, government surplus, vehicles and other valuable pieces can be discovered every month in their Day 1 and Day 2 Auctions. Compass is also accepting heavy equipment lots from consignors and liquidators. If you are a contractor who just finished a job, or an owner looking to liquidate, Compass is committed to finding the right buyers at the right time for your equipment.
Compass Auctions & Real Estate specializes in auctions for the industrial sector, vehicles and heavy equipment, municipal and government entities, luxury goods, firearms and ammunition, and real estate. To learn more about our Day 1 and Day 2 Auctions and other auction opportunities, please visit SoldOnCompass.com or call 800-729-6466 to schedule a tour of its facility.